Commodore’s Call
May 2020
It has been very frustrating dealing with all the Corona restrictions, but I hope you have been handling things in a responsible way. It looks like the government will be easing these restrictions somewhat in the near future and we may even be allowed to get some winter racing in at some stage, however, let’s not jump the gun.
At this stage Winter racing is still postponed, as is the Sailing Club’s Presentation Night and all club meetings.
New WASC Constitution
Thanks for all the feedback received regarding some of the important issues in the new proposed Club Constitution. The Executive have taken on board your comments and has discussed some of the issues with various members and have made further changes. Some of these changes are minor, such as name changes or changes to definitions, however one significant change is in regard to acknowledging parents of junior sailors and their contribution made to the club and hence awarding them membership status and voting rights. It is also suggested that a cap be placed on the number of “active” Life and Honorary members in the club. The new constitution will also incorporate the use of electronic media (emails) as a basis of communication along with other administrative matters to ensure it complies with current legislation. Further details will be supplied soon
Next Season’s Sailing Calendar
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 restrictions have not allowed the club to hold its traditional Yacht Sailors Meeting where suggestions can be made to change and improve the Sailing Instructions, Courses and Sailing Program. Most people were quite happy with the way things worked out last season, however there is always room for improvement. As a result, if you have any suggestions could you please discuss these with your respective club captains who in turn will pass your suggestions on to our Vice Commodore, Greg Searles:
Yachts Stefan Schelbert 0421 993 258
Trailer Sailors Jim Gillan 0401 671 099
Off the Beach Mark Skelton 0423 888 416
Juniors Scott Day 0414 689 091
OK Dinghy Nationals at Wangi
Wangi Club is pleased to announce that we will host the Australian Championship for the OK Dinghies early next January. Many of our local OK sailors have regularly travelled to venues all round Australia in the past competing and now they have the chance to use their local knowledge on home waters.
Clubhouse Roof Repairs
Thanks to the efforts of handyman and member, Steve Duff, who donated his time, equipment and skills, the sailing club roof has been repaired and is now good for another 30 years. Thanks Steve.
Stay Safe Wash your Hands Maintain Social Distancing
Hopefully we will all get through this together and will be back on the water soon.