Radio Controlled Yachts

DF65 Calendar

DF65 Sailing Instructions (Not Yet Available)

DF95 Calendar

DF95 Sailing Instructions (Not Yet Available)

Membership Renewal or First-time Member Registration Link

RCY's Race Entry Registration Link

RC Yacht Racing

The RC division has been sailing at Wangi since 2020, initially racing the Dragon Force 65 (DF65) class, which is the fastest-growing design class in the world. Beginning in October 2022, the club began racing the Dragon Flight 95 (DF95) class.

DF65s sail at 5:00 pm on Thursday evenings during Daylight Saving and at 10:00 am on Sunday Morning during Winter. DF65 racing is split into three series: Spring (October-December), Summer (January-April) and Winter ([April-September).

DF95s sail a Summer Series at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings during daylight savings time (October-April) and a Winter Series at 1:00 pm on Sundays in Winter (April-September). All weekend sailing is fortnightly. Sailing programs are available using the links above.

Sailing is at the Wangi RSL jetty or off the bank in front of the Wangi RSL Amateur Sailing Club, and sailors meet at the Sailing Club around 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. Our race days are run as a mini regatta-type event in which we try to run ten races over 2 hours (wind permitting), so if you get a bad start, there is always the next race.

For the latest information, see our Facebook page: Lake Macquarie West Radio Sailing Club | Facebook or come and talk to the WASC sailors on one of our race days and have a try.

The annual Membership Fee for the Wangi Sailing Club is $60 and Race Fees are $20 per Race Series (Spring, Summer and Winter)

For more information, phone Chris Owens (0407 492 229) or Chad Fitzpatrick (0423 548 690).


Our foundation Class is the DF65, Australia's fastest-growing and most popular RC class. They are now raced at over 50 clubs in Australia, and there are over 1800 boats racing. They are popular in a large and growing number of countries around the world.

The DF65 was developed in 2013 as a strictly one-design mass-produced boat (but it also conforms to the rules of the RG65 development class). Boats are manufactured by Joysway.  They are 650mm long, 1300mm high and have a draft of 390mm.

The class permits four rig sizes, although we are presently only permitting three rigs at Wangi (A+, A & B). Boats are sold as a kit with one rig (A rig) and everything needed to race, including carbon fibre spars and mylar sails, stand and controller for  $510 (V7) (prices as at January 2025). Kits can also be purchased without Radio Parts, allowing higher-spec 3rd party equipment to be used at a small increase in cost, and it is recommended that prospective sailors drop in for a chat before buying. Assembly takes only a couple of hours using the well-written instructions provided. There are also many assembly, tuning and racing videos on YouTube. These boats are also highly portable, unlike many other RC Yachts, which can cost 10 times more.


The DF95 is slightly bigger than the DF65 at 95 cm long, 1470mm overall height, with a draft of 350mm and is also manufactured by Joysway. The DF95 is a later design than the DF65, with the latest version being V2. While not yet as popular as the DF65, the DF95 is gaining in popularity and is often sailed in the same clubs as the DF65s. Again, DF95s allow four rig sizes (A, B, C & D), and a complete V2 kit can be purchased with a standard A rig for $730. All 4 Rigs are permitted to race at Wangi. As with the DF65, The DF95 kits can be purchased with or without Radio equipment, and the same 3rd party equipment used in the DF65 can be used in the DF95.

Australian DF Radio Sailing Association maintains a list of suppliers of both the DF65 and DF 95s.




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